Sunday, November 24, 2013

A New Commandment

How can others know that I am a disciple of Christ?
Answer: John 13:34-35
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Pretty self-explanatory, right?!
And how do we show love for others? We show love when we help family members with their chores, with or without being asked. We show love when we express appreciation for that family member who helped us with our chores. We show love when we stand up for a friend who is being ridiculed because of the way he dresses. We show love when we make feel new people feel welcome in our group. We show love when we say “I’m sorry”, “Thank you” and “I love you”. We show love when we tried to put ourselves in somebody else’s shoes and refrain from judging them. We show love when we smile to strangers. We show love when we speak kindly of others. But most importantly, we show love when we FEEL LOVE.

My religion class instructor gave me an assignment this week that I would like to pass along:
·                ---  Ponder the question, “Do people know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ by the way I treat them?” Select a family member, coworker, or neighbor and make a short list of things you can do during the coming week to show him or her the kind of love the Savior would show. Then follow through with what you wrote down.

I pray that I can be successful as I make improvements in my life to love people and show them my love.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Preparing For The Lord’s Second Coming


As I study Mark 13, those two counsels stand out in the chapter.  
But what should we heed to or watch for, as we prepare for Jesus Christ's Second Coming?
We should watch for the the events that will precede His coming. There will be wars and natural calamities, love will leave the hearts of men. We must take heed to the words of God, as we endure the trials and tribulations to come. We should do as verse 33 instruct, "Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."

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I am very blessed for modern revelation, as they add to the Bible on the things we should do to be prepared for that glorious day when Jesus Christ will return. One passage I love is found in D&C 87:8, it reads, "Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen." In the book Joseph Smith--Matthew chapter one we can also find counsel. One of them being for us to treasure up the word of God; consequently, meaningful scripture study and gospel principles application in our lives is primordial. We don't know when Christ will come again, thus we should not waste any time and start our preparation right now. Let's follow the example of the wise virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13 and fill our lamps with oil. Let's all be faithful and pray always, that Our Heavenly Father may help us live righteously and endure until the end.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Last Week of the Savior's Mortal Ministry


 Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and as He enter the city, riding a donkey, a multitude of His disciples greeted Him. They laid palm branches on his path and shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.”(Matthew 21:9) He then went to the temple for a moment, after observing what was happening there he went to Bethany for the night with the twelve.


On the next morning Jesus then went back to the temple to put order in the house of His Father. The temple had been turned into a market place since their Jewish leaders allowed the money exchange there. On verse 13 of Matthew 21 we read, “And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

The event in the temple raised an authority issue and the Jewish leader were not very happy about it. They challenged Jesus with questions about His authority, to which he replied with parables that offended them in their hypocrisy. While the leader searched for a way to kill Jesus without making a scene, Jesus stop preaching to the multitudes and from then on only taught His apostles. One of Jesus’ own disciples offered to betray Him.

We don’t know much about this day. Jesus already knew about the plot from the Jewish leader and spent the day outside the city.

Jesus celebrated the Passover with His apostles and introduced the sacrament ordinance. He then prophesied of His death and reveals who would be the one to betray Him. He instructed them and offered the intercessory prayer.
Jesus took His apostles to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. There He atoned for our sins.
Right after that Jesus was imprisoned and was brought to an illegal trial that night.

Jesus was charged with two crimes: blasphemy for proclaiming He was the Son of God, and sedition against the state for claiming to be the “king of the Jews”. He was sentenced to death by Pilates and brutally executed by the brutal Roman practice of crucifixion.

This was the Jewish Sabbath day. Jesus body stay in the tomb while his Spirit ministered in the spirit world.


As we can read in the New Testament Institute Manual, “Had the gospel ended with Jesus’ burial, there would be no gospel story, no “good news.” The great message of these testators is that Jesus was risen and was seen again by many witnesses. On the first day of the week, the most memorable Sunday in history, Jesus Christ emerged alive from the tomb, and appeared before Mary. The testimony of these witnesses constitutes the gospel story, the “good news.”

I know Jesus Christ is my Savior and I am grateful for all He went through to provide all of us with the gifts of resurrection and repentance. I know He lives and loves me.

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Parables And Accounts That Teach Eternal Truths

Luke 16:1-12  The parable of the unjust steward
When I first read those verses I confused by its message. I thought the story to be one of dishonesty. But as I read it a second time and study the New Testament institute manual I began to understand what the teaching meant. The passage from the manual explains it better than I could,
“It was not the steward’s dishonesty that was extolled; his prudence and foresight were commended, however; for while he misapplied his master’s substance, he gave relief to the debtors; and in so doing he did not exceed his legal powers, for he was still steward though he was morally guilty of malfeasance. The lesson may be summed up in this wise: Make such use of your wealth as shall insure you friends hereafter. Be diligent; for the day in which you can use your earthly riches will soon pass. Take a lesson from even the dishonest and the evil; if they are so prudent as to provide for the only future they think of, how much more should you, who believe in an eternal future, provide therefor!” (Talmage, Jesus the Christ,p. 464.)

Luke 16:19-31  The parable of the rich man and Lazarus
In those verses we learn truth about the spirit world, the place we all go after death to wait for the final judgement day. The parable explains how the spirit world was situated before Christ's visit, when he built a bridge between the paradise and prison so that His gospel could be preached to all. 

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 Luke 17:11-19  The Ten Lepers 
This account is a lesson about Gratitude.

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Luke 18:1-8  The parable of the unjust judge
The first verse in this parable explain what Jesus was trying to teach at that moment, "And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men oughtaalways to bpray, and not to cfaint;"
Let us beware of the error of comparing his selfish action with the ways of God. Jesus did not indicate that as the wicked judge finally yielded to supplication so would God do; but He pointed out that if even such a being as this judge, who ‘feared not God, neither regarded man,’ would at last hear and grant the widow’s plea, no one should doubt that God, the Just and Merciful, will hear and answer. (New Testament Institute manual)

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Luke 18:9-14  The parable of the pharisee and the publican
Even though this parable mentions these two widely separated classes, pharisees and publicans, it is applicable to all men. We all need to be careful to not let pride abide in our hearts. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of humility, being Him the Son of God and going through all the pain while atoning for ours sins.