Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Premortal and Mortal Savior

As I read the scripture passages John 1:1-14 and 17:1-5, I had to opportunity to ponder about the connection between our Savior’s premortal and mortal lives. I have learned simple and eternal truths about Jesus Christ that help each one of us acquire a better knowledge of Him. Before this life, like all of us, Jesus lived with Heavenly Father. He was a God, in that He was given power to create all things all things here on earth. There he was light for us, a leader who showed us the righteous way; an example to be followed. Other truths about His premortal life are that He was the first spiritual child of our Heavenly Father and that he was chosen to be our Savior. Now, about mortal life, he had someone come and prepare the way for Him and preach about His coming. Even though He was the Son of God, He had a body made of flesh like the rest of us; He lived among us. Many that knew the prophecies about the Savior did not recognize Him as so and He was rejected among His own people. Through His sacrifice and accomplished His purpose here on earth and through Him we had the chance to gain eternal life. He Jesus Christ was the perfect example of humility as He did not seek glory after all He had done.
We can also learn about Jesus as we find out the meaning of some of the names and titles used to refer to Him. A few of them are: Christ and Messiah – in the Bible Dictionary we read that both names means “He is the one anointed of the Father to be His personal representative in all things pertaining to the salvation of mankind. The English word Christ is from a Greek word meaning “anointed” and is the equivalent of Messiah, which is from a Hebrew and Aramaic term meaning “anointed.”; Jehovah – we can find the meaning of this one in the scriptures as well and the Bible Dictionary, which is The covenant or proper name of the God of Israel. It denotes the “Unchangeable One,” “the eternal I AM” (Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4).; Immanuel – meaning God with us, signifying that Christ would be come into mortality born of a virgin and would live among those he would redeem and save; and The Word – Heavenly Father created all things through Christ, through Him the word of God was fulfilled.
(picture from the lds.org website)

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