Monday, February 1, 2016

CHARITY - 1 Corinthians 13

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I believe that chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians might be one that is well known among Christians. The message of charity might be one of the most important ones in the New Testament. Even though charity is a simple principle, it can be connected to many other principles in the gospel.

Paul, in verses 1 through 3 explains that we could have faith to move mountains or even have all the knowledge in the world, but without faith that would mean nothing. My favorite part in these verses in in verse 3, when Paul says that even if we give away all that we have to feed the poor, without charity, that would mean nothing. But why is that my favorite part you might ask. Well, because we often assume that donations are the equivalent of charity. However, charity, in the true sense of the world and who Paul is describing it in this chapter, goes beyond that.

The rest of the verses in the chapter are the words of the apostle Paul teaching us what charity is.

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The video below if a portrayal of Paul teaching the message of this beautiful chapter 13. As I watched it I was able to imagine how much charity Paul must have had as he was able to overcome so much, as he endured his trials as he preached the gospel all around. 
I invite you to watch this video and let Paul's words inspire you, as they have me, to seek today to pursue the charity he is teaching us about, to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ, who is the perfect example of charity.

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